Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Recap and a Wish List

For this post, I thought let’s review the last year’s wish list and see what wishes came true.

Ø The first wish was about my college and college mates. College has come to an end and I have made some good friends there. No more wasted weekends. Thank God! The wish stands fulfilled.

Ø The second wish was about Delhi Jal Board and their goof-ups. Now that we have got a submersible water pump installed in our home, DJB’s goof-ups won’t trouble us much as they used to earlier. But one still needs drinking water and I hope they do not do any more mischief. The wish is partially fulfilled.

Ø The third wish was about my lenses. My eyes have stopped watering, now that I’ve had my lenses changed. They do trouble me occasionally, but it’s okay. That wish has been fulfilled too.

Ø My father still does not occupy the bathroom by 8:25 though sometimes after much persuasion he has been kind enough to enter the bathroom by 8:15, but only sometimes (Such sometimes are rare). This wish has not been fulfilled.

Ø Well, the lectures haven’t stopped. In fact, the number has only increased with Bitch No.3 too entering the arena. So, this wish too has not been realised.

Ø Tanaz has left. So, there’s nobody to say “so sweet” repeatedly. I wish her well though; she was a nice girl. The wish too stands fulfilled, although not in a manner I desired. Nevertheless…

Ø My hypocrisy levels remain where they were last year. And now that I look back, they may have come down, but only a bit. Too bad. Not realised!

Ø There are all the more reasons to crib this year. This means that God is still to hear me out on this one.

Ø I suppose God granted me many more wishes last year. Fulfilled.

So, God gets 5-1/2 out of 9. Just about average. He’d better pull up his socks this year and brace himself (or herself, I'll let him/her choose this at least) for this year’s wish list.

Ø I wish I derive more satisfaction out of my work, which is now becoming tad too boring and routine.

Ø I wish that boss sees senseand reverts to the five-day routine and punish those who do not come in time, not the entire unsuspecting office janata.

Ø I wish that my exercise regimen finally works the way I want it to and help me reduce my weight as quickly as possible so that many of my problems get solved.

Ø I wish to get a nice appraisal and a promotion (for a bonus mark, God) so that I’m able to buy myself a nice laptop by next year. (Apple Macbook, perhaps. Hope I'm not asking for much.)

Ø I wish that my dad considers everyone’s point of view, not just his. I cannot do anything about the size of my bathroom now that it has been constructed, but he should allow me to move my stuff upstairs and not create any more pangas in that.

Ø I wish my mom does not grow panicky every time I’m 15 minutes late and does not call me after every hour just to know where I’ve reached.

Ø I wish all my friends stay close and that we do not fight as we had been doing a few weeks ago. Peace and love must reign.

Ø I wish to find at least one decent guy, who is worth thinking about, to say the least. And, here I’m not talking about my guy friends.

Ø I wish that all the last year’s unfulfilled and partially fulfilled wishes are realised this year.

Ø I wish that God grants me at least two more wishes this year just in case I need to ask for more.

Cheers and have a brilliant year ahead!

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